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Common Aquarium Fish Diseases: Symptoms and Treatment

Maintaining a healthy aquarium environment is crucial for the well-being of your fish. Unfortunately, like any living creature, fish are susceptible to various diseases that can quickly spread if not properly addressed. Today, our Des Moines vets discuss some common fish illnesses, the symptoms, and how they are treated.

IMPORTANT: Our vets at Des Moines Veterinary Hospital may recommend you to a nearby specialty hospital for fish care, since our animal hospital does not offer care for aquatic pets.

Symptoms of a Sick Fish

Some common symptoms of a fish sickness include changes in appetite, abnormal swimming behavior, and visible physical symptoms like lesions or discoloration. While different sicknesses come with different symptoms, these are generally the most common and a good indicator that your fish is sick.

It is important to monitor water quality and consult with a veterinarian specializing in aquatic animals if any concerning symptoms arise.

Common Fish Sicknesses

Below, we'll discuss some of the most common illnesses that can affect your fish.

Ich (White Spot Disease)

Ich, or white spot disease, is caused by the protozoan parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, which attaches to the fish's body, fins, and gills to form tiny cysts. Once it feeds, it detaches and reproduces in the tank, making it highly contagious among freshwater fish. 

Symptoms include tiny white spots on its skin, a dusty appearance, loss of appetite, lethargy, labored breathing, and hiding behavior.

Ich is most likely to affect fish that are already stressed or sick. Quarantining sick fish is essential, and raising the temperature in the quarantine tank can help speed up the life cycle of the parasite and resolve the infestation more quickly. Treatment options for it include copper sulfate, malachite green, and potassium permanganate.

Fin Rot

Fin rot is a common bacterial infection that affects the fins of fish, causing them to appear ragged, frayed, or discolored. If left untreated, fin rot can progress to more serious health issues for the fish, such as systemic infections or fin loss. 

Symptoms of fin rot in fish include ragged, frayed, or discolored fins (as noted above), inflammation, and potential loss of fin tissue. Additionally, affected fish may exhibit decreased activity levels and appetite. 

Treatment for fin rot typically involves isolating the affected fish in a separate tank, performing regular water changes, and administering antibiotics. It is also important to ensure proper water quality and nutrition to support the fish's immune system during recovery.

Swim Bladder Disease

Swim Bladder disease is a condition where the swim bladder, an organ that helps fish control their buoyancy, becomes compromised. In severe cases, swim bladder disease can be fatal if left untreated. 

Symptoms include floating to one side, difficulty swimming upright, or sinking to the bottom of the tank.

Swim Bladder disease can be treated by adjusting the water temperature and providing a diet high in fiber to aid digestion. In severe cases, antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications may be necessary to reduce inflammation and infection in the swim bladder. 


Dropsy in fish, also known as edema, is a condition characterized by swelling or bloating of the fish's body due to fluid retention. Fish with dropsy may exhibit a bristly appearance, known as "pineconing," due to swelling that causes their scales to protrude.

Symptoms of dropsy in fish include swelling of the abdomen, protruding scales, lethargy, loss of appetite, and difficulty swimming.

Dropsy in fish is often caused by a bacterial infection, so it is important to start treatment with antibiotics. Additionally, maintaining clean water conditions and reducing stress for the fish can help improve their immune system and aid in recovery.

Anchor Worm

Anchor worms are parasitic crustaceans that infect pond and aquarium fish by embedding themselves in the muscles, and sometimes even burrowing into internal organs. This can lead to raised ulcers at the point of attachment, increasing the risk of secondary infections. 

Anchor worm in fish typically presents with visible white or greenish thread-like parasites protruding from the body, along with redness, inflammation, and irritation around the affected area. Additionally, fish infected with anchor worms may exhibit increased scratching against objects in the aquarium and decreased appetite due to discomfort. 

The most effective treatment for anchor worms in fish is to physically remove the parasites using tweezers or a similar tool. Additionally, medicated baths with potassium permanganate or formalin can help eliminate any remaining worms and prevent reinfestation. 

Diagnosing & Managing Common Health Concerns in Fish

Vets typically perform a physical examination of the fish to look for any visible signs of illness, such as abnormal behavior or physical abnormalities. They may also take samples for laboratory testing, such as blood or tissue samples, to further diagnose the specific illness affecting the fish. 

Recognizing symptoms early, isolating infected fish to prevent spread, and maintaining proper water quality to support their immune system can all help stop the spread of diseases among your fish. Regular observation and prompt treatment are also key in preventing serious health issues in aquarium fish. 

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Don't wait until it's too late – schedule a check-up for your fish today to ensure their health and well-being. Our vets at Des Moines Veterinary Hospital may be able to refer you to a specialty vet in the Des Moines area for your fish's care.

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Des Moines Veterinary Hospital welcomes cats,dogs and their owners to our clinic! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of Des Moines companion animals. Get in touch today to book your pet's appointment.

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